Water Treatment: Your Key to Greater Sustainability Protect systems with pre-filtered process water

Obtained from rivers, lakes, wells, seas, and the ground—water is used in industry as intake water in a vast range of processes. Careful treatment of the raw water via filtration is the key to efficient system operation. The treated water can be used as cooling water, membrane feed water, spray water, or process water, for example. If the raw water is able to enter the system without being filtered, there are severe consequences. Avoidable consequences. Because automatic back-flushing filters, inline filters, and screen basket filters can provide reliable assistance. How they should be used, and where, and what role mussels have to play in the whole scenario is all explained here!

Pre-Filtration is a Crucial Step in Water TreatmentWhat filter do you really need?

Whether it's automatic back-flushing filters, inline filters, or screen basket filters, use our filter check to find the right filter for your application. Because clean process water will benefit your entire system.

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Make Process Circuits Sustainable with Water Recycling This minimizes both the consumption of fresh water and waste water discharge

Cooling Water

When cooling water is used, coatings often form on the heat transmission surfaces, which impair the transmission of heat and accelerate corrosion and abrasion. Deposits that accumulate over time can damage system components such as measuring devices and pipe fittings and the system can experience higher levels of pressure loss. All of this increases the maintenance workload and makes the system less cost-effective. To prevent this in fresh water and circulation water, our automatic, screen basket, and inline filters are used for full flow filtration and offline filtration.

Process Water

Process water is used in production in many sectors of industry, for example as cooling water, washing water, boiler feed water, or ultrapure water. The water collected from rivers, lakes, the sea, or from the ground is initially loaded with particulate and dissolved material as well as microorganisms. This contamination needs to be carefully filtered out—our inline and back-flushing filters support you with your water treatment, improving your system's profitability.

Waste Water

In municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants, valuable drinking water is often used for general cleaning and maintenance work. But it makes sense to treat the water coming from the secondary clarifier—as this avoids wasting drinking water. The discharge water is almost clear, in both dry and rainy weather, and contains very few suspended particles. This is not directly suitable for use as service water, however. Our water filters for the industry take care of the undissolved organic and inorganic substances that would clog the system.

Friedrich Wilhelm, Project Manager in Technical Sales at HYDAC Process Technology

While the types of particle contamination in processes are highly varied, the methods for removing them are just as diverse. Selecting the right one requires knowledge of the solid particle load and process data. A filtration goal also needs to be specified. No matter how much information and experience we have in separation technology, there are always new challenges that call for new technologies and solutions, as no two applications are ever the same.

Mussels Clog up Cooling Water CircuitsHow to fight mussel infestations with predictive filtration

In recent years, invasive mussel species have been spreading in fresh water, salt water, and brackish water. Two of these species are in a class of their own—the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha), and its sneaky relative, the quagga mussel (Dreissena rostriformis bugensis). While they are native to the Black Sea, they are unintentionally spread almost all over the world via ballast water and have now entered plants via natural water cycles. And more mussels means more problems in the systems. Cleaning infected systems is time-consuming, and often the entire system needs to be shut down.

Mussels and larvae are often killed off with chemicals (potassium chloride / hydrogen peroxide). Deadly for these sea-dwellers, but not entirely harmless in terms of materials, unwanted residue, and health risks. In short, using chemicals does work, but this is extremely controversial, as well as costly. Taking preventive action is less expensive, and the costs are also more predictable. The key to success: filtration.

Protect your system – find the right process filter now

Great Protection against Small Invaders from the Sea Clean process water thanks to optimal water treatment

Coarse Protection for Vulnerable Systems

Our automatic back-flushing filter AutoFilt® RF3 takes care of large mussel bundles and some of the mussel larvae. It covers a continuous nominal flow rate of up to 7,500 m3/h. Flow passes through the wedge wire elements with a filtration rating of 50 µm from the inside to the outside during filtration. This provides your system with optimal protection from large collections of mussels.

Basket-based Protection against Mussel Larvae

To stop the mussels from spreading, the mussel larvae need to be filtered out of the system. The AutoFilt® RF14 series provides significantly higher filtration of mussel larvae. The self-cleaning basket filter has a finer filtration rating. With the standard filtration ratings of 20 µm and 40 µm, roughly 95% of mussel larvae are separated out.

Combination Solution with almost 100% Destruction of Mussel Larvae

A combination of automatic filters and UV disinfection kills off nearly all mussel larvae, as the microbes are destroyed in fractions of a second if the dose is sufficient. Our combination solution permanently reduces mussel infestations, system downtime, maintenance, and excessive costs. No chemicals need to be used in the water filtration.

Our Solutions for Water Treatment

AutoFilt® Automatic Back-Flushing Filter

Our automatic back-flushing filters have been established on the market for many years – not least due to their high level of efficiency. There's only a one-time investment expenditure and no operating expenses. The self-cleaning function with our filters means that these maintenance visits are automatically eliminated, sparing you the costs for replacing elements and screens. 

More information on automatic back-flushing filters

Inline Filters & Screen Basket Filters

Our inline and screen basket filters allow solid particles of all kinds to be removed effectively. A large variety of models and filter materials allows optimum adjustment to suit the particular filtration task and process conditions. 

Your advantages

  • Temperatures up to 400 °C
  • Pressures up to 1000 bar
  • High-quality filter materials made from Chemicron® metal fibre or wire mesh, and Processmicron® plastic fibre or glass fibre 
  • Filtration ratings from 1 µm absolute to 10000 µm
  • Flow rates up to 3600 m3/h
  • Skid/system solutions and special custom solutions

More information on HYDAC inline filters

Skid Solutions and Custom Products

Whether it's managing high flow rates, combining coarse and fine filtration or using filters in conjunction with heat exchangers, we can supply custom system solutions. For optimal water filtration, we perfectly tailor the solutions to your needs. 
Your advantages

  • Filters and heat exchangers from a single source
  • Custom design
  • Perfect for retrofits in existing systems 

Water Treatment in a Major Swiss Project: CirculagoPioneering for geothermal power generation & building technology

Heat exchangers and large heat pumps (water-water heat pumps) are often used in modern heat generation involving deep geothermal energy, lake energy, and the use of industrial waste heat. They need to be protected from contamination that would cause premature wear.
HYDAC supports pioneering large-scale projects, such as “Circulago.” In this project, the small towns of Zug and Baar in Switzerland use water from Lake Zug to generate energy and control the temperature of homes. The aim is to increase the percentage of renewable energy. Optimal temperature transmission and smooth system operation is ensured by providing heat exchangers with optimal protection. This involves four HYDAC automatic back-flushing filters filtering sand and biological material out of the water. With their extensive filter area, they can handle large volumes of water with ease and clean themselves 100% automatically.

Protect your system – find the right process filter now

Your Advantages with HYDAC

Icon: Hands holding money—reduced costs thanks to high-quality filtration technology.

Reduction in Costs

With high-quality filtration, you can improve the quality of your operating medium. Less chemicals are used, and less waste water is produced. This means we can make your downstream processes more efficient and cost-effective.

Icon: System—continuous system operation thanks to self-cleaning HYDAC automatic filters.

High System Availability

Our automatic back-flushing filters clean themselves, enabling continuous system operation and reduced maintenance visits and increasing the availability of your systems.

Icon: Carbon footprint—lower emissions thanks to our filters’ minimized pressure loss.

Lower CO2 Emissions

Using filters with a very low differential pressure minimizes pressure loss. This saves you energy costs and sustainably reduces CO2.

Icon: Recycling—cleanable filter materials and fibers are used in HYDAC filters.

Sustainable Filter Elements

Only cleanable filter materials are used in our automatic back-flushing filters. We also have a large selection of cleanable wire mesh or metal fiber material for our inline filters.

Icon: Cog with lock—contamination is filtered so that the processes can run smoothly.

High Process Reliability

Thanks to the reliable filtration, you can be sure that contamination is filtered out effectively. The result: processes can run smoothly and flawless quality is ensured.

Icon: Service technician—unnecessary maintenance visits are prevented by automatic back-flushing filters.

Reduced Personnel Costs

Reduce unnecessary maintenance visits for your water treatment system. Our automatic back-flushing filters reliably prevent blockages in the system, allowing your system to work reliably and without failures.

Downloads Our brochures on the topic of water treatment can be found here

Your Expert in Water Treatment

We can answer all your questions on process water filtration.

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